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My name is Mr. Sparkle Butt. I was born in a barn in Tillamook OR and then brought to sunny CA to live with a very excited 6 year old girl. Everyone thought I was a girl (silly them) and the little girl named me Sparkle. Well, I’m not a girl, I am a big, tough and feisty boy cat. I hate all other cats, I bully the dogs and I basically do whatever I want because, I’m beautiful and I know it. I watch the streets of “CV” from comfort of my home, so I know all and see all. I can tell time, and know when it’s breakfast and dinner time, and will persistently try to get my mom to feed me early. I don’t know why the City of Shasta Lake needs a mayor but I am the obvious choice.

Vote Mr. Sparkle


    Bringing a “Sparkle” to our town, to make a Purrrfect day!



Mailing Address:

Shasta Damboree, Inc.

P.O. Box 1554

City of Shasta Lake, CA 96019

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